I promote self-reliance, self-knowledge, relational awareness, individuation and growth within the support of structured interventions called experiments – therapeutic activities set up by the therapist to increase spontaneity, creativity, response-ability, and awareness of the here-and-now moment. Clients are provided with creative opportunities to try out new behaviors to see what happens, to develop sensory awareness/body awareness and to re-integrate disowned parts of the self; aspects of the personality that have formerly been neglected, forgotten or repressed.
The goal of
Gestalt therapy is to help you increase your capacity to live life more fully
by seeing how your strengths and weaknesses relate to the clear paths and
obstacles within your life. Through greater clarity you will enjoy more choice
to live the life you want or accept the life you have. Choice provides you the
opportunity to reduce pain and increase joy.
The cornerstone
approaches of Gestalt therapy are focused on the present moment and the
relationship you have with me, your therapist.
In the Now
Gestalt Therapy
is focused on exploring sensations, thoughts, behaviours, emotions and beliefs
as they arise within the therapy session. Memories of the past and concerns of
the future are brought into the present moment so that you can escape the
familiar traps of your mind and experience your own truth more directly.
You and Me
My involvement
in your therapy session makes me a co-creator of the experience. I am not the
teacher or expert with the magic bullet solution, but rather I provide a safe
and non-judgmental environment in which you come to your own understandings and
decisions. I include my creative, playful and intuitive senses to help you find
the support you need to move beyond what might be long-held fixed patterns. You
are in the driver’s seat, exploring only what and when you are ready.